Sunday, December 21, 2008

Can't wait to visit Ohio!

I'm pretty psyched to get home for a little awhile. It seems weird to call Ohio "home" though, I haven't been there longer than 3 weeks since 2002 and even then I pretty much live out of a suitcase. None the less it's always nice to catch up with everyone and while the holidays do seem to be a whirl wind if thats what it takes to see everyone its worth it. Besides any break from the "daily grind" is appreciated.

The past few months have flown by! I spent a month in Ft. Lewis flying under NVG's (night vision goggles). Then was fortunate enough to get to fly one of our Chinooks back to Fairbanks through Canada. The pictures will be posted later. The weeks after that consisted of trying to find how to get people back from Southern California during a snow storm (where is this global warming?), fixing helicopters at 2 am at -30 degrees (I didn't break it) and trying to prepare for our change of command.

I'll attempt to update this as much as I can, as it is my first foray into blogging we will see how it all goes. If I don't see you all before, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!